Villain Analysis
Movie business is one of the current fastest growing market. The most successful movies are usually
movies which represent a protagonist who is assisted with a task to fulfill an ancient prophecy. For
example, Harry Potter series have grossed
billions of dollars. However, what if the chosen one is actually a person who
will be the primary villain in the movie? This is what exactly happens in the
Star Wars series, in which a talented boy named Anakin Skywalker transformed
into the notorious Darth Vader.
I choose Darth
Vader due to the fact that his story generally relates to our world’s dictators. Originally named Anakin Skywalker, he had a miserable past. He and his
mother were slaves for Watto, an owner of a junk shop in Planet Tatooine. Anakin
has no father, thus making his birth miraculous like Jesus’ birth. Unlike other
people, he has the ability to see things before they happen. Fortunately, a man
whose name is Qui-Gon Jinn discovered his talent. Jinn then introduced himself
as a Jedi. Jedi is the guardian of peace and justice in Star
Wars’ galaxy. Interested in Anakin’s power, Jinn invited him to learn as a
Jedi in Planet Corruscant, capital of the galaxy. Jinn successfully freed
Anakin, but Watto did not want to release his mother. After encouraged by his
mother, Anakin decided to leave his mother and go with Jinn.
Upon learning as a Jedi, Anakin faced
many rejections. In Corruscant, the Jedi council doubted that Anakin would be able to fulfill
the prophecy. It foresaw huge sorrow and fear in Anakin, therefore rejected
him. Later, Jinn was killed by a Sith. Sith is the galaxy rebel who wants to
dominate and prevail the galaxy. Following Jinn’s death, the Jedi council heavy-heartedly
fulfilled Jinn’s request, which was to admit Anakin as a Jedi. Three years
later, he and Kenobi, his new master, accomplished the mission of rescuing the
kidnapped Corruscant’s chancellor, Papaltine. Papaltine then suggested the Jedi
council to give the “Jedi Master” rank to Anakin, but the council once again
Anakin is a prodigy. His measured “force
potential” is the highest among all Jedis. However, he is totally rebellious as
he violated many Jedi ethics. Being a Jedi means that you have to make sure
that your thought is free from anger, fear, and arrogance. Moreover, celibacy
is a must. On the contrary, Anakin thought that most of the missions given to
him were too easy. He detested the Jedi council as he thought that the Jedi
council underestimated his power. He even made love with the princess of Planet
Naboo, Padme, and later married her.
Death is Anakin’s biggest anxiety. Once,
he dreamed that his mother was dying. When he went to Tatooine, he learned that
the Tusken tribe kidnapped and killed his mother. Full with vengeance, he
mercilessly killed all of the Tuskens. The next year, Anakin learned that Padme
was pregnant with twins. Anakin was happy, but he constantly had a vision of
Padme dying in a childbrith. He did not want to repeat the same thing as what
had happened to his mother. Anakin sought help to Papaltine, but Papaltine told
him that being a Sith would save Padme’s life. Anakin was shocked when he
discovered that the chancellor is the Sith’s group leader. Concerned on Padme’s
life and fascinated by the freedom of power usage in Sith’s world, he decided
to be Papaltine’s apprentice. Papaltine then started a mission for Corruscant
to annihilate the Jedis and changed Anakin’s name into Darth Vader.
Vader found a very great pleasure by
killing every single Jedi and being the commander of Papaltine’s troops. He finally
could prove how powerful he was. After slaying many Jedis, he eventually forgot
his true purpose of being a Sith. When Anakin went to Planet Mustafar in order
to search and kill Kenobi, he met Padme. Anakin asked Padme to join him, but Padme
begged him to come back to the right path. Feeling betrayed, Anakin choked
Padme until she was unconscious. Enraged by Anakin's deed, Kenobi emerged and battled Anakin. After
battling for a long time, Anakin slipped and fell into the lava of the planet,
resulting in Anakin’s defeat. Anakin was dying slowly, but later saved and
revived by Papaltine. His charred body was replaced with robotic body. At the
same time, Padme gave birth to Leia and Luke, but she passed away. When Vader
learned that Padme was dead, he became outrageous. He blamed everything and finally
vowed to conquer the entire galaxy.
Vader might be too malignant, but he
still had a good side. In the last movie of Star
Wars series, Vader sacrificed himself to save his son. Thirty years after
Vader's revival, his son, Luke, became a famous Jedi. Interested in Luke’s power, Vader
told his troops to bring Luke to him. When Luke learned that the infamous Sith
was his father, he finally came to Vader by himself. Vader battled Luke to
introduce the unlimited power of the dark side. At the same time, Luke reminded
Vader of the fault that Vader had done, especially Padme’s death. The battle
ended with Vader’s defeat. Papaltine asked Luke to be his new apprentice, but
Luke refused. Not happy with Luke’s decision, Papaltine then shocked Luke with
lightning spell. The sight of Luke's agony broke the dark
side's hold on Vader. Vader then lift Papaltine and threw him into an abyss.
However, Vader was severely wounded by the lightning spell. Before he died, he
apologized to Luke for everything he had done. Finally, Vader, or initially Anakin,
rested in peace.
Many people,
especially dictators, have the same story as Darth Vader’s. For example, we can
relate to the story of Hitler’s life. Hitler’s mother was dead after being
treated by a Jewish doctor. He also could not stand to watch the Jews thriving in Europe.
He eventually grew hatred towards Jews and later slayed them. Coveting for
bigger territories, he fought the entire Europe and even the Soviet Union. Mussolini’s
story is not different. He was rejected by the socialist party and
consequentially created the cruel fascist party to rule Europe. Both Hitler and
Mussolini claimed that their ethnic were the best, but they both later faced
big loss. Other dictators also have similar stories. The different part of
Vader’s story compared to dictators’ is his sudden change from the dark side to
the right path. Could it happen in our real world?
There are many
lessons that I got with the existence of Darth Vader. Firstly, you may be the
most talented person, but that does not mean that you will always get the best.
You have to calm your arrogance as everything has its perfect time. Secondly,
you must avoid greediness. Greediness may lead to joy at first, but you will
slowly forget people whom you care. You will be a very selfish person and will eventually
end up in anguish. Thirdly, even the vilest man still has a good side. When
people you care change into bad people, don’t stop reminding them to bring them
back to the right path. And lastly, you don’t know when you will die. Whenever
you do something wrong, make sure you apologize soon.
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