My Dream Job
Hello! This is my dream job story from my friend's perspective, Kurniawan Cahyo . He is absolutely a wonderful writer. I hope you will enjoy it! :) Garmastewira’s Dream Jobs in the Future What do you want to be in the future? It’s a kind of question that we’ve heard since we were pre-school students. Most people always have a hard time to answer that question. I myself have to admit it’s one of questions that I try to avoid. I will tell you about my friend’s dream job. His name is Garmastewira, or we usually call him Rangga. Obviously, Most of SEEI (School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics) students are interested in technology. Many of them also want to work that is related to video games, especially the boys. In the future, Rangga wants to be a gadget inventor or game developer. I was told by him that he has been into gadget since he was a child. Everytime he looked at sophisticated electronic devices, he was curious about them. He questioned how they were ma...